Complex consists of two fortresses — Big and Small. A large castle located on a hill with a relatively flat surface. The fortress has a rectangular shape with dimensions o9f 152×182 meters. Along the perimeter of the outside, the wall surrounds 35 unfinished towers in the form of a semicircle. The surviving fragments of double-row outer walls are at the base of slightly more than 2 meters. A two-level corridor between them with a width of 2,5 meters, also remained. The most interesting is that the castle remained unfinished, and never was settled. This fact is evidenced by the stacks of large-format bricks, sanded as time passed, and the lack of household items in the excavation.
An interesting legend is linked with the construction of complex of Ayaz-kala. It states that the complex of fortresses was decided to be built by ruler Ayaz Khan. He himself came from a not rich and noble family, for which he earned the nickname of Charyk Khan. Charyk was the name for shoes of the untreated skin worn by poor people. The most amazing thing was that Khan was proud of this nickname, and commanded the plain below, near the great fortress to built a small one in the form of a small shoe for the underclass — Charyk. And, indeed, a small fortress when viewing from the north side, is very similar to this shoe very much. Actually, it was finished and was worthy outpost on the path of enemies.